Need A Metabolism Makeover?


For the most part, when we think about our metabolism it is in relation to our body weight and it is an easy way to assess the health and condition of your body’s engine and your fuel burning capacity is whether you are storing fat or burning fat.

One means you become overweight and the other means you stay slim and trim. Just as there are factors that work against the metabolism there are also elements that will boost it.

The wrong types of food, too much of them and not enough muscular exertion are all factors that work against the metabolism and this is backed up by the epidemic of overweight people that amount to two thirds of the population. Our modern sedentary world and processed foods conspire to make us fat and make us sick.

Over a period of time living our modern day inactive lifestyle combined with our often poor food selection (low quality processed food) the metabolism slows down and the excess fat weight piles on and energy and vitality are slowly but surely drained away.

Proper strengthening exercise that rebuilds and re-tones muscles tissue, food quality and meal frequency are the main things that have the ability to boost metabolism. But something to keep in mind is that just because you begin doing positive things to improve the health of your metabolism does not mean it will repair itself overnight, healing takes time and will vary from person to person.

You have to repair your metabolism before you can change your body from a fat storing one to one that burns fat easily and burns more of it. So, a true weight loss solution is not just about losing weight it is about rebuilding health.

As an example of this we all have seen those athletes with hard, lean, shapely bodies. They have a different metabolism than yours – one that responds to exercise and food very differently and one which has a lot of momentum towards staying strong and vital – one that resists getting fat.

So if you are to be successful at losing weight the number on the bathroom scales is only half of the equation. If the health of your metabolism has not changed fundamentally, it will still have a propensity to continue to gain and store excess body fat.

If you continue to follow fad diets and do the wrong type of exercise (long duration, low intensity) or none at all, you can further slow your metabolic motor. Low calorie diets are a guarantee of this. It is not just about calories – it is about resetting your metabolism so it resists continuing to gain weight after you lose it.

Your proper strength training program is going to be the number one metabolism rebuilder. Just 2-3 sessions each week are all that is needed if some effort is put into each session. It is not how long you exercise but the intensity (degree of effort) that will get you results quickest.

Support your exercise program with quality nutrition so you have plenty of energy. Small unprocessed meals every 2-3 hours will boost your metabolic rate even further. Make sure each meal has a source of protein. Get yourself back into the kitchen and cook natural whole foods from scratch for the best weight loss success.


These strategies are pretty basic and simple but you will have to think, plan and cook ahead. But once you get your head around it and put it into place you will be delighted at the results and will never want to go back to eating “whatever” “whenever” and the no proper exercise lifestyle that makes and keeps you fat, draining your energy and putting your health at risk.

Keep up with your proper strengthening exercise and quality nutrition and your body will heal itself, burn off the excess body fat and revitalize your body.


Five Signs You Need To Support Your Metabolism

Wide waist
What’s your waist size? Extra fat around the abdomen is the unhealthiest type of fat and one of the most common signs that you may need to support your metabolism. If you are a man with a waistline of 40 inches or greater, or a woman with a waistline of 35 inches or greater, your metabolic health may need to be examined.

Your metabolism raises or lowers your appetite in response to the number of calories your body needs on a given day. If your metabolism is working as it should, your weight stays steady. If it malfunctions, that equation gets thrown off, yielding either a slug like calorie burn or a Hungry Man – sized appetite. The result: excess flab, particularly around and inside your middle, where it negatively affects organs and puts you at risk of disease.

Fatigue                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Do you generally feel run down, like you’re “running on fumes?” Do you become exhausted after eating? Feeling sleepy once in a while after a restless night can be expected. But, if you are frequently tired with low energy throughout the day – even after a good night’s sleep – your metabolism may be to blame.

Excessive sweating
Do you sweat for no apparent reason? Perspiring when it’s hot or you are doing hard physical exertion is normal and healthy.  But if simple, daily tasks like doing the dishes or walking up a flight of stairs make you drip, you may need to address your metabolic health.

Poor circulation
Do you feel cold much of the time? Are your fingers and toes always chilled or do your hands and feet fall asleep easily? When you hurt yourself, does it take a long time to heal? Low circulation may be a sign that your metabolism could use some help.

Unhealthy gums and teeth
Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss? Are they painful? Do you have a propensity for cavities? More and more research points to a relationship between gum disease and chronic health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and metabolic issues such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Maintain metabolic health
So you have determined that your metabolism isn’t what you want it to be. Now what? The good news is that a large part of your metabolic health can be improved using targeted diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments. If you experience a number of these signs regularly, it’s time to take action.

I have written a set of eBooks that address aspects of metabolism that are within your control and simple strategies to improve them. These books are available as a special offer if your metabolism could use some help. You can see these books here:

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Hot Metabolism

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For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

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