Wellness is More Than Just the “Absence of Disease”

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There’s a revolution in the air. Something powerful enough to change the path that mankind is taking.

We are currently waking up to the fact that health is not just the “absence of disease” and our current health care system is nothing more than an “illness treatment system.” This sickness-based system does nothing towards promoting health. In fact, it slowly destroys it.


Truth is, our health is declining and has been since World War II with over 50% of us suffering from some chronic illness or condition and some even suffering with multiple conditions. Nearly ¾ of us are overweight or obese which is a huge threat to our health.

It takes many people to support this “sickness system,” so governments help this process along with mercury-laced vaccinations, damaging mostly toxic drugs and medications and grocery stores full of fancy boxes of “so-called food” made with cheap ingredients that offer little to no nutritional value whatsoever.

It’s all about commerce – not health care and this is by far our biggest killer. A silent but deadly epidemic of obesity and other “lifestyle” diseases are killing millions of people right in our own backyard yet governments worldwide are hell-bent of focusing on fighting terrorism.


This sad but true truth – that our society fosters a culture of sickness, is both a global and personal disgrace. Governments (with a few exceptions), medical professionals, media, insurers and food producers all tolerate and even promote worsening health.

However, times are changing. Greater awareness (due to Internet access etc.) is being created that recognizes the powerful economic and social arguments for wellness.

The reality is, we have the power to prevent and change this situation and we can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines and watch. Our lives and those or our children are at stake.


Wellness Revolution

This emerging wellness revolution means becoming proactive with our own health and well-being. It means taking voluntary steps to exercise regularly and eat better. It means reducing the effects of aging, improving the quality of our lives and avoiding becoming customers in the “sickness business.”

Without health little else can be accomplished. Health is not a given right. It is a personal responsibility and we each must step to the plate and accept it as our own and do what is required to promote it.


In the end, we are either seeking out solutions that improve our health and work at preventing ill health and disease or we remain passive about the potential perils lurking around, gradually losing the energy of life until sickness finally catches up with us.

Wellness is not complicated nor is it hard. True wellness means taking positive steps to living a lifestyle that promotes health, strength, fitness, vigor, energy and a longer happier life. It is the next natural step in our destiny and in the advancement of humankind.

If you are looking for a second chance to right the wrongs you have committed against your body I am here to help, You can regain vitality, muscular strength, endurance and lead a higher quality of life.

If you truly want to take command of your life and avoid disease somewhere down the road…

“Healthy Self Healing” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?

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