Self-Accountability Empowers You to Success…

By |2019-12-17T17:35:02+00:00April 29th, 2017|Business, Habit, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Weight Loss|

Leading a productive life, demands that you respect and care for yourself enough to know that you deserve to live in a healthy, slim, fit, feel-good body. It means being self-accountable. Self-accountability...what is it and why do we need it? The standard definition of self-accountability is: "An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or [...]

Focus On The Invisible Benefits Of Exercise

By |2017-10-09T15:57:49+00:00January 6th, 2015|Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Self-Care, Wellness|

Many people start an exercise program looking to achieve changes to physical appearance – weight loss, less body fat, firmer and more toned muscles, improved heart health and so on. But there are many more health benefits from exercise that you cannot see. These “invisible” often hidden benefits are just as important, if not more [...]

Physical, Mental And Emotional Health Are Closely Linked

By |2017-10-09T15:57:51+00:00May 10th, 2014|Depression, Mind Power, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Stress, Wellness|

Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of exercise but we usually only think it benefits us below the neck. We know we can expect stronger muscles and bones; we can lose some weight and slow the aging process but what about our mental and emotional health, can exercise help us there as [...]

Fight Depression With A New Attitude

By |2017-10-09T15:57:53+00:00February 2nd, 2014|Depression, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise, Self-Care|

We cannot deny the fact that our genetic blueprint was formed back when our ancient ancestors had to survive that harshest of conditions. Being highly active stimulated chemicals that told the body’s operating systems that strength, endurance and health was needed for example to feed a family. Once hard physical activity slowed or stopped it [...]

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