If the state of your health has begun to feel like an abandoned project and you'd love to take the next few months to finally reclaim it...

Here's How To Successfully Reset Your Health And Wellness Over The Next 12 Weeks Using A Simple Mind Game...

True transformational changes to bodily health don't begin in the body. They first take root in your HEAD. So over the next 12 weeks I promise to realign your mindset for radically improved health and wellness, and then give you a new body to go with it. Details and timeline found below...

From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen
Re: How To Realize Your Health And Wellness Goals In 12 Weeks Without Having To Deal With The Expenses Of A Personal Coach...

carolyn hansen Dear Seeker of a Better, More Healthy Version of You,

Your mind is the key to putting your struggles with your health and wellness behind you.

For good.

In all likelihood you will have already heard variations of what I am about to tell you. But for any number of reasons - some justifiably due to no fault of your own, and some due perhaps to dwindling motivation - you have not been able to get it to work for you...

I want to help you change that.

I want to help you take stock of what's going on in your head, and bend the rudder so much that you cannot but help set a new course for achieving the one thing that has so far eluded you - a maintainably healthier version of your present self.

women measuring weight loss results Along the way, essentially as an end result of putting you on an improved path to health and wellness, perhaps even a pared-down version of you.

My promise to you is that I wholeheartedly believe I can show you how to reset the state of your health and wellness if you are willing to commit to 12 weeks of me doing the course corrections for you.

Does that sound fair?

I am going to use every trick in my arsenal - strategies I've perfected over a period of more than 30 years - to reinvent your belief set about what is possible in your life.

And perhaps the most powerful of all these strategies is the one I am going to explain to you now, so that you have an inkling of the way I think before you drop what you are doing and come join me for the next 12 weeks as we work together to first remake your health and wellness mindset, and then your physique...

I am going to assume your immediate goal, the one your brain has so far been having such difficulty complying with, is to find the motivation to stick with a sensible approach to health and wellness and just see it through to the end.

The real secret to mastering the ability to self-motivate?

It is the realization that motivation is fuelled entirely by belief.

If you do not believe in your core that you have the energy, abilities, resources, and winning strategies to get where you want to go... then your motivation to stick with the program is going to evaporate.

This is nothing more than your subconscious trying desperately to bring you back to reality so that you do not "waste" your time and energy.

Conversely, if you absolutely believe in the soundness of your vision, you'll follow through on your plan of action, no matter how unlikely it might seem to an outsider that you have any chance of realizing your goal. Motivation isn't going to be a problem when you are buoyed by belief in what you are doing.

But to establish the belief you can succeed - to set up the winning mindset to achieve your vision - you need to be wary of the very real and very powerful influence of the number one killer of self motivation.

This is the perpetuating reassessment loop.

If you master the "loop" it steers you unfailingly toward the desired objective. But if the loop masters you it all goes the other way and you will spiral away from your goal...

This may sound like the most trivial observation, but if you want to harness the power of the perpetuating reassessment loop (in the present weight loss context you could also think of it as a health loop) you first need to recognize it exists.

perpetuating health loop
Over the years I have realized that the power of the perpetuating mind loop can be applied to any area of your life.

I have used it repeatedly to get back on track with my health and wellness goals after periods when I have got distracted and neglected the needs of my body and mind.

Let me tell you now how you can put your own health and wellness on a fast-track to recovery using a strategy designed to work in as little as 12 weeks, and maybe even sooner than that.
As I see it, my job for the foreseeable future (12 weeks from the moment you sign up for this program) is to make you believe:

  • You need to believe in yourself.

  • You need to believe you can restore your health with the system I am going to teach you.

  • And you need to believe you will see and feel the sought after results in just 12 weeks.

Because once you no longer question your own abilities and willingness to commit to an objective, when you are able to accept that you really can get a heck of a lot achieved in just 12 weeks, then not only will you be motivated to take me up on my offer to you today, but you'll be able to envision your success before we even get to the first lesson.

And once we do get started, my promise to you is that you will remain mentally equipped to stick with the program for the full 12 week period as we work to transform your relationship with food and exercise and the perhaps less than ideal lifestyle choices you may be making today which are holding you back.

To track our progress we are going to use a very simple visual representation of where you are at the beginning of your health and wellness restoration journey and then we will re-evaluate at the half way mark, and then at the end of the program.

Now, here's the key ingredient to the approach.

If the trick to successfully restoring your health so that you constantly feel vital and energized involved nothing more than a modification or two to the way you eat or the frequency and intensity with which you work out... then you'd have solved your issue long ago.

There are hundreds of healthy eating and workout makeover programs out there. If it was only one or two things in your life that required attention in order for you to find success with one of these programs you would most likely have done it by now.

In fact, there are no less than 12 factors that contribute to your ability to transform the state of your health for the better.


That's why I cannot simply hand you an ebook and say "Read it, then apply the principles."

Because it would just be overwhelming.

So we are going to break it down and work through it together, one step at a time on a weekly basis. I know you can handle one lesson a week, no matter how busy you think your life is.

And to track your progress we are going to use a wheel.

Other than the fact that this wheel appears to be the result of someone wrapping a rainbow around the frame of a bicycle wheel, even I have to admit that it does look, well, pretty boring!

See for yourself (before we add some all-important texture to it):

Now, before you throw your hands up in the air...

Before you declare out loud to yourself "A wheel? Is this iron-pumping Carolyn What's-Her-Name bird on the level with me?" (I assure you she is) let me tell you briefly how each one of the colored "spokes" in the wheel corresponds to one of the weeks in the program.

I don't want to hide anything from you. The power of this program is not in the naming of the 12 areas with which I am going to provide assistance.

The power is in knowing how to master each one of the 12 components!

For the next 12 weeks we will be focused on making small, achievable changes to daily habits that will add up to big results. The plan will provide education, recipes, support, and motivation to help you stay on track.

On a weekly basis we will use my pillars of wellbeing - Movement, Nutrition, Mindset and Lifestyle. I will help you stick to your wellness commitments, even if you have struggled in the past. The end result is that you will regain your energy, feel stronger and more confident in your body, and be better situated to live your life to the full.

This program will overhaul your nutrition, your lifestyle, and the strength and tone of your body. So no matter whether you want to transform your health, lose fat or build and tone muscle, its for anyone needing a total body overhaul! Whatever your goal, this 12-week plan is designed to deliver maximum results in minimum time.

What Health Benefits Can I Expect After 12 Weeks?

We will tone your body head-to-toe with simple moves. Turn back the clock on aging. Boost your energy, and find your inner calm

Plus you will experience...
  • more energy
  • weight loss
  • more balanced moods
  • better sleep
  • less stress
  • more body confidence
  • increased fitness
  • fewer aches and pains
  • improved digestion
How much can you change your body in twelve weeks? More than you think - but only if you have three things: a good exercise plan, smart eating rules for effective fat loss, and the right attitude to follow both with focus and determination.

This online training program is designed to empower you to LEARN all about the different aspects of your health and fitness so you can finally change your lifestyle and physique FOR GOOD!

Are you ready to make a positive change in your life?

If you are ready to improve your nutrition, exercise routine, and overall mindset then let me help you get started to make long-term lasting positive changes.

Remember, transformation is a journey and not a race. The most important thing is to focus on making sustainable changes that will benefit your overall health and well-being, for LIFE!

You won't regret your decision to join Better Me: The 12-Week Reset Health and Wellness Plan and get all the tools, support, and motivation you need to transform your body.

This program is great for all fitness levels and can be adapted for home or gym and will help you stay committed to your new habits to create revitalising change in your health and happiness.

Don't let fear of the unknown or the challenge of change hold you back. Take the first step to incredible health and wellbeing improvement results today... and be excited that the next 12-weeks will be your best ever.

This is what you will be working on, week by week, when you come join me and begin your transformational training:

  • [Week 1] Get your mindset right
    Now, you already know the importance of mindset because I have been hammering away at it non-stop on this page. But in the first week you'll be introduced to the techniques I use to melt away resistance to adherring to the rest of the program.
  • [Week 2] Plan your meals
    Quite possibly THE most important of the 12 components to this plan is getting your meals sorted out. The key is going to be nutrient density and the last thing you will find yourself doing in this program is starving yourself. It is just not necessary, if you plan correctly.
  • [Week 3] Exercise 3-4 times a week -must include strength/resistance training
    My favorite element of ANY weight loss of get into better shape endeavor is the portion dedicated to physical fitness. I am a bit of a fanatic and I will attempt to allow some of my enthusiasm to rub off on you - along with knowledge of which excerises provide the biggest bang for your buck!
  • [Week 4] Drink 1-2 litres water each day
    Nothing on Earth survives long without a steady and reliable source of water. Nor will your attempt to lose weight or get into better shape if you do not adequately plan for proper hydration throughout these 12 weeks. And for that matter, ther rest of your life.
  • [Week 5] Increase incidental and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)
    If you're not exercising you're not burning those excess calories, right? Actually, no. This turns out to be wrong and this part of the program you'll see that it IS possible to remove fat from your body during the hours you are at rest. Provided you make the right choice outside those hours.
  • [Week 6] Limit processed and sugary foods
    Confession: I have a sweet tooth. So the one thing you won't catch me doing is begging you to give up those mind-calming and delicious between-meal snacks that make life worth living. But I am going to teach you how to sacrifice the sugar and the processed components without sacrificing your taste buds (I'm a master at this).
  • [Week 7] Create a small (100-200) calorie deficit each day
    That's about the equivent energy content of a small apple. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Sure you can set aside food equivalent to a small apple! But this turns out to be surprisingly tough for most people. That's why I'm going to help you forge this essential habit without pain and suffering :)
  • [Week 8] Include protein at each meal
    This is the one essential element of every meal. Yet for most people it is the last one they think about (carbohydrates usually being the first). Whether your goal is to add muscle or lose weight, balancing your meals with the appropriate amount of protein is going to be key to getting the result you want. I'll show you how to get it done.
  • [Week 9] Aim for 7-8 hours sleep per night
    For decades I took sleep for granted. Until I noticed I was getting less of it and it seemed to be having an effect on every part of my life. Turns out there is a LOT going on in your body during those early hours of the morning and if you are not sleeping soundly you will not losing weight or getting into better shape. Instead you'll head in the other direction. So we'll consider ways to knock this on the head before the damage is done!
  • [Week 10] Stay consistent over time
    Sometimes I lapse when it comes to meeting my objectives for the week. Life has a habit of making sure no regular schedule is ever fully kept. But that's OK. So long as you can restart the journey with minimal disruption to your result-oriented mindset you can complete your journey and accomplish your goal. I am going to help you cement the "get right back on after you fall off" mindset. You'll be needing it.
  • [Week 11] Allow for flexibility
    Things ARE going to happen which threaten to hamper your progress. And when these interruptions do throw you off course it is going to be useful for you to "flow around" the obstacles. The kung fu master Bruce Lee used to suggest that one "Be like water." He was right. Flexibility is a strength and you'll learn how to build it.
  • [Week 12] Stay motivated and enjoy the process
    When you master the other 11 elements of this program you will instinctively develop the belief that your goals are indeed possible. This is all you truly need to stay motivated. But it does not hurt to learn a few extra self-motivation tricks, so we'll tackle this during the final week of the program.

accomplish your goals
Now that you have seen the exact scope of the plan I have prepared for you you may be struck by how SIMPLE it looks.

I suggest there is not a single element of my plan which you have not seen before or considered implementing as part of a program to restore fading health and wellness, and get into better physical shape.

But have you ever tackled them all at the same time?

Very likely not, right?

And that may have been one of the deciding factors in why some of your previous attempts (if not all of them) to improve the state of your health and wellness have not fully panned out.

But, as I've said, I have a plan for you to change all that.

Every week for the next 12 weeks you are going to receive one email message each week. In that message I am going to explain the importance of the topic for that week and provide you with the means to implement the necessary changes.

You'll have one week to digest the ideas and turn them into reality. At least if you go at the recommended pace, but you could certainly take a more leisurely pace if that suits you.

accomplish your goals
If you have ever hired a personal coach you will know that they are amazing motivation machines. They have to be, otherwise you would not use them for long!

But oh, it has to be admitted they ARE rather expensive.

Which is why I want to emphasize that although the Better Me: 12-Week Reset Your Health And Wellness Plan runs for a full three months you will NOT be paying monthly.

Instead, you'll pay a modest one-time fee of just $37 to come on board.

So if you presently do not find yourself swimming in a luxurious pool of pre-heated gold coins this winter, the way Scrooge McDuck no doubt is enjoying himself right now, why not take me up on the inexpensive alternative?

While you won't be getting a personal coach turning up on your doorstep for the next 12 weeks, rousing you from your bed, and demanding you perform 100 jumping jacks before you even think about feeding yourself breakfast...

I do like to think of myself as the next best thing. A kind of digitalized personal coach, if you like.

And I am ready to "put you through your paces".

All you have to do is say: "Carolyn, let's do this thing. I no longer wish to make excuses. I have a goal to meet, and I'm ready to make it happen!"

Do that and you'll receive the following, metered out over the next 12 weeks:

  • At least 12 highly motivating lessons on how to avoid those downward-spiraling perpetuating reassessment loops that sap your will to finally restore the degree of health and wellness you want and deserve.

  • A surplus of relevant and useful tools and products that I have created over the years which I will be giving to you (with a value vastly in excess of the fee to join the program).

  • The slowly-developing belief you will succeed - that you have the capacity to effect the changes you want to make in your life - and soon!

  • A well thought out body weight management plan that is more likely to have you LOSE 12 pounds over the holiday period than have you gain that same amount...

eskimo pie guarantee
In honor of those ever so delicious temptations which over the years have temporarily thwarted my health and wellness efforts (it happens to all of us) I am giving you my solemn Eskimo Pie pledge.

It goes like this...

Simply join my Better Me: 12-Week Reset Health And Wellness Plan right now for just $37. Then take a FULL 30 DAYS to experience the program (which runs for 12 weeks in total) and digest all of the actionable information.

Then, if this offer isn't everything that I say it is; if it isn't everything that you HOPE it is, just let me know anytime within 30 FULL DAYS and I'll give you your money back.

That's how confident I am that the Better Me: 12-Week Reset Health And Wellness Plan can accomplish for you what I have spelled out on this page.

So don't wait for divine inspiration to decide the issue for you. Take that decisive action not and join me for the Better Me: 12-Week Reset Health And Wellness Plan. You'll get educated, you'll take action, and you will begin the process to achieve the level of health and wellness you know is within your capabilities to achieve. So long as you do the work!

To The Future Healthier And Much Better-Feeling Version Of You,

Author, Nutrition Expert, Fitness Centre Owner, & National Champion Bodybuilder
YES - Carolyn, I'm READY
to transform my life today!
  • I understand I'll be receiving weekly email assignments for the Better Me: 12-Week Reset Health And Wellness Plan for only $37

  • On top of that, I understand my investment is backed by your risk free, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.
Just $37
You will get INSTANT ACCESS right now
-- Even if it's 3.00 A.M.!

*NOTE: This is a weekly email-based program the first message of which you should receive shortly upon successful completion of checkout. In the unlikely event that you should experience any problems being returned to the proper page, please email:

(Click the Order Button Above to Join The Program)

Sign up now for Better Me: 12-Week Reset Health And Wellness Plan for just $37 and put your fat loss or get into better shape objectives to the test.

P.S. Remember that this is YOUR LIFE and YOUR BODY we are talking about. My only part in this journey we will take together is to ensure you understand the principles I have used over the years to effect similar objectives for myself and for the countless personal clients I have coached over the years. But you will do it WITHOUT the assistance of an expensive coach, or even having to leave your home to effect the needed changes (if you do not wish to do so).

P.P.S. Remember also that you are protected by my 100% money back guarantee.